Community Programs
Community Organizing - Supporting Women Re-Entering Community
OGH – Oahu Going Home Consortium
An initiative of volunteers from public, private, and faith-based organizations with the mission to: “assist women released from prison transition into community life through employment, training, housing and appropriate supportive services”. Pūʻā Foundation coordinates and facilitates OGH meetings and activities as a part of the Foundation’s community organizing and strategic efforts to connect identified resources to identified needs.
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Community Educational Resources - Understanding Hawaii’s History and Historical Trauma
Ua Mau Ke Ea
The Ua Mau Ke Ea (UMKE) Collection, a textbook, the historical documentary and a theatrical film version, developed by the Foundation in 2011, are community educational resources on the political and legal history of the Hawaiian Islands.
UMKE helps with the understanding of historical traumatic events and its long-term effects on individuals and society. UMKE chronicles Hawaii’s history through storytelling, interviews, archival images and Hawaiian-language newspaper articles. It takes the reader and viewer on a journey from 18th century Hawaii under the rule of King Kamehameha I, through the 19th century of the Hawaiian Kingdom to present day Hawaii. The materials are used at WCCC in the Cultural Healing and Well-being course.
See link, “Transcribing Means Healing“ – transcriptions of Hawaiian Newspapers at WCCC (former project) and Ua Mau Ke Ea/Ike Kuʻokoʻa. Ua Mau Ke Ea continues with materials used in the Cultural Healing and Well-being course at WCCC.